What is the best digital marketing platform?

In the modern era of digital marketing, there are numerous digital tools and platforms that one can choose from to reach their advertising goals. With so many to choose from it’s not always easy to find and select the best ones, so we gathered below the ones that we find work best for us, while trying to explain the benefits of each one.
Facebook as a social platform has a very granular targeting to find your ideal target market. It is the only marketing platform that allows for such in-depth capabilities like Facebook. Moreover, Facebook is making improvements constantly in order to have a better user experience.
Linkedin is great for B2B advertising since it allows one to customize the ad while making it highly targeted to a buyer persona. What makes Linkedin unique is the ability to target ads according to people’s professions other than simply what they like in their personal lives. This helps B2B companies to get exposure with the executives they are aiming to target.
Quora is a great place to get high volume of qualified leads. Quora offers top-of-the-funnel leads at a great price. It allows to couple it with a remarketing campaign through Facebook and Google, which provides a great way to fill the top of the funnel with inexpensive leads, and then push them down the funnel and “seal the deal” with the use of smart remarketing.
Google Adwords
Google AdWords is ubiquitous. One cannot get serious about digital advertising without using Google AdWords. Many of the knowledge you gain through running a good AdWords campaign will serve you well on other digital advertising platforms.
Believe it or not but Instagram has made its way to be the top advertising platform for sales. Instagram is all about influence and marketing so if you know who your audience is and you have a product/market fit, then Instagram is the perfect space to help you target that audience and increase your engagement. It is unparalleled in that regard to any other digital platform. Unlike Instagram the other platforms require a large ad budget with very little in return.
While Content marketing has a slow burn, over time it can become the most valuable lead generation source out of any of your marketing mix. All of your content pieces from white papers to case studies will eventually build up into a snowball of traffic and leads that will continue to perform week after week, month after month, and year after year. You see, good content is at the core of a well-crafted marketing funnel.
Google Trends
Google Trends allow you to see the latest trends, data, and visualizations from Google and find out what’s trending in your industry right now.
Google Trends provides you with validation on an idea pretty fast and the great advantage is that it is very easy to use.
Once you enter Google Trends, simply type in the keyword or industry that you are interested in a hit “Enter”.
You can compare data by adding other terms. Or compare region on a map of a country, area of worldwide. Search by countries, time period, categories and type of search which (such as Youtube search).
It can get very helpful to someone who wishes to start a new business as it allows them to research competitors, create a new campaign or just test different keywords.
Google Keyword Planner
On the Google Keyword tool So there are two opinions: you either love it and think it’s a lifesaver, or hate it and think it’s data is misleading. We will not be telling you what to think only how you can use it in the best way possible. Google Keyword tool is a feature within Google Adwords, and is located under the “Tools” tab. In some ways it is similar to Google Trends but unlike Google Trends it gives you actual numbers you can work with. You can test one or more keywords, choose the region and the language you want and see approximately how many times your word was searched. You can see if the competition for the phrase is “High”, “”Medium” or “Low” as well as what the suggested bid for that keyword is. It should not be the only tool used to determine the Keyword but it is a great one to begin with, and get some kind of idea on volumes. Our suggestion is that you start with a Google Adwords campaign directly while researching your keywords.
As you can see there are many digital marketing tools, and we only mentioned the ones we love. Additional tools, both paid and free, are available, depending on what your objectives are. Whatever you end up using make sure you learn it and know how to use it so that you’ll be able to take advantage of all its features.